Source code for bits.currency

Currency related utilites.

# External module elements
# 1. `currency` and `currency2`
#     template filters located in `bits.templatetags.currency`

## Imports
# Django
from django.conf import settings
from django.contrib.humanize.templatetags.humanize import intcomma
from django.db import models

# Extenal
if 'south' in settings.INSTALLED_APPS:
    from south.modelsinspector import add_introspection_rules
    add_introspection_rules([], ["^bits\.currency\.CurrencyField"])

## Fields
[docs]class CurrencyField(models.IntegerField): """Placeholder for CurrencyField. Add custom behaviour later. """ pass ############################################################################### ## Formatting ###############################################################################
[docs]def currency_format(cents): """Format currency with symbol and decimal points. >> currency_format(-600) - $6.00 TODO: Add localization support. """ try: cents = int(cents) except ValueError: return cents negative = (cents < 0) if negative: cents = -1 * cents if cents < 100: dollars = 0 else: dollars = cents / 100 cents = cents % 100 centstr = str(cents) if len(centstr) < 2: centstr = '0' + centstr if negative: return "- $%s.%s" % (intcomma(dollars), centstr) return "$%s.%s" % (intcomma(dollars), centstr)

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